Hashish, also known as hash, is a cannabis concentrate that has been around for centuries. Many countries have long histories with hash. It is believed to be first created in somewhere near India and spread throughout the Middle East and Europe. If you want to learn more about hash and the history, read my article on hash here. In this article we will be making hash from kief.
Hash is made from the compacted trichomes of cannabis plants, which are filled with terpenes, cannabinoids, and other compounds that give it its distinctive flavor. These trichomes, when broken loose from the flower bud, are known as kief. In this article, I will teach you how to easily make your own hash at home. It takes a hell of a lot of patients so buckle up. There are a couple ways to complete each step(except getting cannabis, you need the cannabis or kief at least to start).
I chose to do the shoe making method this time round as I liked how “passive” it was to do. I was able to do lots of work while making the hash.
The first thing you need to do is get your cannabis. The frostier(amount of visible trichomes) the cannabis, the better as there’s more trichomes to separate from the plant. This is definitely the easiest step.
Make sure to go about this in a legal way. If you live in an illegal state/country, leave the cannabis alone unless you like playing cat and mouse with the cops.
Separated trichomes or “kief”
You can go about this a few different ways.
There’s the slow and steady way of using a grinder with a kief compartment, with a screen to keep the larger plant matter out. Basically you just get a grinder that has a kief screen in it and as you use it over time, the kief compartment will fill up. You can then dump the kief into a small jar for more storage or just turn it into hash.
I have a ton of kief in my grinder so this is the way I’ll be making hash for now.
Another option is to do basically the same thing I just explained but on a larger scale. You get a couple dry sift screens at different microns and agitate ground up cannabis on them.
The higher the number of microns, the finer the mesh. The finer the mesh, the higher potency of the finished product, in theory. Stacking different micron screens allows you to collect different “purity” levels of kief with less and less plant materials.
Fresh kief can be quite “wet” still, which will make it hard to turn it into hash. To dry it out, the easiest and safest way would be to put it into an open container in the freezer. You should put it into a glass container or dish or you could just fold up some parchment paper to make a little square dish.
The final step in the process of creating hash. Once again, there’s a few ways to get this done.
Basically, take the trichomes and place it in the palm of one hand and with your fingers in the other, kneed it like a dough. Continue to do this, picking up all the pieces as they break off. This will take a decent amount of time, because it uses the heat from your fingers, which isn’t much. Just continue to work it with your fingers until it all sticks together. Then you can roll it into a ball between your palms. Your hands will get very sticky doing this, so keep some hand sanitizer or other alcohol based cleaners to clean your hands after.
For this one, you take a piece of parchment paper and dump the kief in the middle. Next fold up the parchment paper into squares like this with the trichomes in the middle.
After that, take an empty wine bottle and pour some hot, not boiling but almost boiling, into the wine bottle. Swirl it around and dump it out once the bottle is feeling quite warm. Then you want to roll out the kief in the parchment paper like cookie dough. Continue using hot water to keep the bottle warm as you see fit.
This is the one I chose to do, as it is easy to do and you can multitask while making hash!
For this method, you have to wrap the hash in parchment paper, just like the last method. Put a piece of tape or two on it to ensure it doesn’t start to open up, you’ll understand why in a moment.
Next, you just slip this little parchment package into your shoe. Now do you see why you wouldn’t want it to open up by accident? Then just slip your foot in and go about your day. Depending on how hard of a sole the shoe has and how active you are it can take anywhere from about 15 minutes to an hour or more to complete but once your done it should look something like this.
There you go, you have hash. You can now go one step further and refine this hash more by forming it into a ball and rolling it in your hands until it start to take on a shine.
This is one I saw on another website, I’ll let them explain how to do it. Check out this method here.
Hash has been around for far longer than many people know. Because of this, there are lots of different ways to make hash. Different regions make hash in different ways. I have in no way, covered all the ways to make hash, just the ones I believe to be easiest at home for most people. If you grow your own, look into charas, and hand rolling from live plants.
If you are having trouble working the hash, add a bit more heat but not too much. You don’t want it to start melting or smoking.
Good luck making your own hash. Show me your attempt on twitter, facebook or IG!